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Display Flag

Display Flag


Our high quality display flag is suitable for marching or framing.

The Story of the UFW Flag

In 1962 Cesar asked his brother, Richard, to design a flag. Cesar wanted an Aztec eagle on the flag, but Richard could not make an eagle that he liked. After several attempts, Richard sketched one on a piece of brown wrapping paper. He then squared off the wing edges so that the eagle would be easier for union members to draw on their handmade red flags. The symbol of the eagle would give courage to the farm workers. Cesar made reference to the flag by stating, "A symbol is an important thing and that is why we chose an Aztec eagle. It gives pride...When people see it they know it means dignity." The flag was unveiled at the first mass meeting of the newly formed union.

Symbolism In The Flag:

The black eagle signifies the dark situation of the farm worker. The Aztec eagle is a historic symbol for the people of Mexico. The UFW incorporated the Aztec eagle into its design in order to show the connection the union had to migrant workers of Mexican-American descent, though not all UFW workers were/are Mexican-American.

The white circle signifies hope and aspirations.

The red background stands for the hard work and sacrifice that the union members would have to give.

Our price: $25.00
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